What’s new this week?
Firstly, there’s a new minor update out for Android MegaCity, which I hope will fix a problem some have been having with their sexy Samsung devices not running the game properly. If the problem still persists, email me and I’ll carry on searching for whatever’s causing that. The MegaCity XBLIG update is on it’s way too, currently in the traffic jam of review processes that is XBLIG.
Now to the dev blog stuff.
I haven’t posted a snippet of what MegaCity 2 currently looks like this week, because frankly it looks like a mess. It’s looks like a clown puked tetris blocks everywhere. But it’s coming along pretty well. I’m getting my head around the scoring system and deck system right now, and I’ve finalised the prototype design for both. Meaning I’ve settled on a concept I think will work, but is subject to change once I have built a working prototype and have had time to test it.
I’ve come up with a turn-based system where there are 4 decks of building type to choose from, plus a 5th ‘special’ deck which is unique to each player (and customisable). In my head this seems like a good balance between balance and customisability. We’ll see what happens in practise. I’ve also implemented a system where you enlarge each card or ‘blueprint’ to have a look at it in detail like in the Magic the gathering videogame.
As far as the art is concerned, I’ve had some thoughts on that too. I do want to take it in more of a pixel art direction, but I don’t want to loose the fidelity and intricate detail of the original, so I’ve got something fairly unique in mind which you’re going to have to wait to see.