Shiny New Site
As you might of noticed, I’ve got this new site up and running. Hopefully it looks better than the last one, which was less of a site and more a collection of images and basic html.
This one is much easier to update, so expect more of them in the future. I’ll use this as a development diary and keep those of you who are interested in what I’m working on up-to-date. If you are one of those people, please consider adding me on twitter, and I will do likewise. I need to make an effort on the whole social networking thing, so lets get the cogs turning!
I currently have PlanetWars in review on iTunes, so expect that to turn up pretty soon, assuming it passes apple’s QC guidelines. I’ll be working on a trailer for that to make you want it! Expect a modest $0.99 or equivalent price point, and a cut-down free version in another week or so if you really object to giving me any money.
Also expect the quiz trainer soon, an interesting little self-education side project I’ve been working on for a while now. More to come on that soon.