Happy (belated) new year!
This is the year ColePowered goes big, with a bit of luck. I’ve learned a lot from the few months I’ve been developing games professionally, and I’m certainly getting better at it- coding-wise and presentation-wise. I’ve got some big plans ahead for 2012:
First off, as I’ve said for the last couple of posts, the xbox 360 version of megacity is still ‘nearly ready’. It’s 99.9% there, it’s just been going through some extensive play-testing and I literally have one or two bugs to fix before it’s done.
I’m also releasing a flash version of megacity soon. It’ll be the cut-down version which you can find for free on iTunes, but free and available for anyone with flash installed nonetheless.
On the subject of Megacity, the sequel is coming along well. At the moment I’m thinking it will feature an updated version of the original, a ‘classic’ mode if you will. On top it will feature the new mode which is kinda hard to describe with just words, so I’ll leave the reveal of that to a later date. It’s also going to have multiplayer, and eventually be available on iOS, Xbox, PC & Android.
Last but not least; Planet Wars. I want to do a complete overhaul of the game and design it for xbox and PC with co-op play! This will be a large and ambitious project. It’s exciting though, I can’t wait to get started on it!
So that’s my plan for 2012, I hope you continue to enjoy my games. I will ofcourse be supporting all my releases with updates too.